Rockster R1000S
Rockster R1000S specifications
Rockster R1000S impactcrusher on tracks, build 2023, # 900hrs, ex.demo, comes with a CAT 9.3 STAGE 5 with EPA , magnet, RS100 screenbox, RB92 oversize return conveyor and a VB1700 windshifter and a Belt scale with 2 measuring points, 1x on the sieve box and 1x on the main belt – this allows work with and without a sieve system. Contact us if you need more information about this Rockster R1000S impactcrusher on tracks!
Impact crusher:
Crusher entry opening: 960 mm x 720 mm
Impact circle diameter: 1040 mm
Rotor construction: 4 blow bars
Crushing ratio: 1:10 – 1:50
Gap adjustment: fully hydraulic during operation
Output: up to 280 t / h
Rotor speed: 0 – 850 rpm
Weight: 8.600 kg
Drive: hydrostatic with V-belt
Drive unit:
CAT type C9.3b Stage 5 with 250kW /2200rpm
Main discharge belt:
Belt width: 1.100 mm
Discharge height: up to 3.200 mm
hydraulically lowerable
Side discharge belt:
Belt width: 500 mm
Discharge height: 2.300 mm
Folds hydraulically for transport
Feed hopper:
Hardox 400 steel hopper, Volume: 4 m3
Vibration feeder:
Drive: hydraulic (automatic speed control, preset speed selectable by remote control)
with integrated 2-step heavy duty Pre-screener.
Length: 1.700 mm
adjustable bypass chute
Track unit:
Tread width: 400 mm mitred
No. of treads: 52
Wheel base: 3.450 mm
Surface: triple ribbed pads
Drive: hydraulic, 2-speed
Permanent magnetic separator:
Belt width: 750 mm
Drive: hydraulic
Weight: 1.130kg
Radio remote control:
10 channel remote control (with display), with emergency stop
Rubber protection for hand-held sender
Emission reduction:
Sound suppressed motor cabine, Sprinkling system for dust suppression
Transport data Impact crusher:
Length: 10,10 m, Width: 2,55 m, Height: 3,20 m, Weight: 31,20 to
Transport data Impact crusher with Screen box and Return belt:
Length: 14,00 m, Width: 2,83 m, Height: 3,20 m, Weight: 35,75 to
1 x Screenbox RS100 for R1000S / transporting in two
separated parts (1, 2)
Length: 4.050 mm
Width: 2.150 mm
Height: 2.000 mm
Weight: 3.200 kg
Screening surface:
2.600 x 1.350 mm
mesh size: 38 mm
Discharge belt final product:
Discharge height: 3.000m
Belt width: 1.200 mm
Discharge belt oversize product:
Discharge height: 1.750 mm
Belt width: 600 mm
1 X 2 Belt Return System RB92 for R1000S /transporting in three separated parts (1, 2, 3)
Return conveyor system for oversize material
from screening box to hopper or stock pile:
Discharge height to hopper: 3.750 mm
Discharge height to stockpile: 3.600 mm
Return conveyor length: 4.500 mm
Stockpile conveyor length: 3.600 mm
Belt width: 600 mm
Weight: 1.350 kg
1 x Air blower VB1700, for RS100/R1000S CAT9.3B T3a, STAGE5 with EPA
1 x Förderbandwaagen WK6 complete with Montage HATB +
Siebbox HATB (2 Messstellen)
with central control unit, UMTS system, printer
Total weight: 36.050 kg
All prices are Ex Works, Where-is and in As-Is condition unless mentioned otherwise.
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